After the recent last article I actually have something more I say about Red Faction: Guerrilla before letting the game go. I have actually spent a lot of time with the game. Most of it playing multi-player. For once because I wanted to once get in such an on-line gaming community. So far I’ve been playing multi-player only very briefly. So I was never quite able to fully understand the cultural idiosyncrasies of communities like the one around Halo multi-player. I wanted to find out what the fuzz is about. The other reason was that I’m a shameless achievement whore.

I have spent a significant portion of my lifetime grinding this game and all I got was this silly ostrich…
It was interesting. I gained a few insights which I would like to share with you. Generally I think there is a lot wrong with how the multi-player in that game works. The basic blocks are in place, they are just not fully thought-trough. They expose fundamental problems with how game designers approach multi-player today.