Daniel Renkel
Daniel 'sirleto' Renkel is a true indie game developer (at heart ;) and a part time simulation engineer (space- & aircrafts). He's studied computer science at the university of Darmstadt, Germany and has a background of 8 years as game developer (assistant projectmanager, game designer, associate producer and technical artist). He worked on a whole number of PC and console games including the Aquanox series. Visit ludocrazy.com for more information about this current android mobile phone games.
Website: http://www.ludocrazy.com/
By Daniel Renkel on April 15, 2011
Nearly 4 years ago i wrote about the great flash based Desktop Tower Defense game.
Over one year i have been playing another great Tower Defense game, this time on PS3: Comet Crash.
But something else first: Nearly one year i had to see the prove for TTP (time to penis) here on Game Design Reviews. So now i [...]
Posted in Game Design Reviews
By Daniel Renkel on April 12, 2011
Encouraged so many times by Krystian, I’m once again trying to establish a “once a week” post of mine. So this is the second part of a (more or less) flavour + ideas + game design describing developer diary, which I am writing on my upcoming Android game “Silent Totems”.
Currently I see it more fit [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on April 4, 2011
Because of the nice comments i received on my last post on Princess Nuriko, i thought i should post a link to my developer diary on my next Android mobile game: Silent Totems.
Silent Totems is a little project i’m doing with Yann van der Cruyssen. Whose great library of music and game soundtracks you definitely should [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on March 27, 2011
Seems like I’m the only one who adores Princess Nuriko.
Nuriko is my little Nurikabe puzzle game, which I released in November 2010 for Android mobile phones. Updated it a few times this year and today added 20 more levels (total of 62 now).
I did not expect huge sales nor huge demo downloads from Android, as I did [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on April 6, 2010
After another few weeks of bug fixes, added features, redesigns, major balancing tweaks and more (community reported) bug fixes – my first (one-handed) indie game is completed.
The game is intended to be playable with only little time at hands (i.e. 5-10 minutes a day are more than enough) and still features favorite game mechanics: prepare & construct, [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on February 10, 2010
i’ve nearly finished my new game: monster guard.
it’s an online strategical game, some sort of tactical rpg … but without rpg depth and no tactics, either
i’m pretty tired right now and just want to give you the good news quickly.
you can read about the game, see (more) screenshots and view a qucik how-to-play video [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on November 22, 2009
This is nothing new. iI’s just something I believe works in 90% of all games out on the market (AAA or small/casual/indie).
0. Create a game with both old (known) and new game design mechanics.
Even if the new mechanics are not perfect, this concept shall help you get people to enjoy your game
nothing is to ugly – if you polish [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on November 12, 2009
This is my (very) subjective review of Okami. To summarize it: I can’t play the game. It’s unbelievably unplayable for me, due to shockingly bad details.
Ever since it was released on PS2 and got rave reviews about its style and concept I wanted to play, even own it. Then Yu-Chung reviewed it and even mentioned that [...]
Posted in Game Design Reviews
By Daniel Renkel on August 26, 2007
I found this link with a formal analysis of Metal Gear Solid 2. I have not yet read it completely but please take a look and tell me if you like it:
Driving Off the Map (located at Delta Head Translation Group)
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook
By Daniel Renkel on August 5, 2007
I like to point out the following thread in the Indie Gamer.com forums. It’s about the current state of the indie industry:
i also like to take the opportunity to point out, that managing the german “free” unterhaltungs software forum together with some others at www.usf.de, i really love the forums at indiegamer. i often hate the [...]
Posted in Game Design Scrapbook