A 3-year journey is over. My first true independent game project TRAUMA is finished and available on-line. The website is here:
As already announced, the game is also available on Steam. The Steam Store page is here:
Review copies are available for blogs and news sites. Just contact me at:
I would like you ask you to help me spread the word about the game. I think the game should reach a wide audience, perhaps even outside of typical games audience. But this is a zero-budget one-man project. So there is only so much I can do alone.
There is at least one good opportunity already. The game will be exhibited at the Notgames Fest next week. Here is a trailer:
You can meet me in person there and beer or two. I think we have a great selection of games. I’m looking forward to it.
Otherwise, I guess that’s it. I’m looking to hear everybody’s feedback. And I guess I can start thinking about the next project…
[...] Heute wurde, nach 3 Jahren Entwicklungszeit, endlich Krystian Majewskis Photo-Adventure über eine im Koma liegende Frau, TRAUMA komplett DRM-Frei für Windows, Mac und Linux veröffentlicht. [...]
Congrats! I’ve been patiently waiting to get this game. I look forward to getting it and playing this weekend.
First reviews are in. IGN thinks it’s quite good while Gamespot tore it into shreds. I’d recommend watching Metacritic (but you probably already do that… right?).
Oh, the IGN review is up? Awesome. Yes the reviews are coming in now. I generally like them. I even like the Gamespot review. It sounds so passionate.
Hey Krystian,
. Congratulations on the release. I’m just starting it now.
just got the game on Steam. I’m so glad it’s finally out. I’ve been waiting for a long time
I bought this game as part of the Humble Indie bundle, but I’m having a great deal of difficulty getting it to work on Ubuntu. Any advice on that would be greatly appreciated. I’m not very technically inclined, unfortunately. I managed to convert it to a .deb file and seemed to install it on my computer–it now shows up on my “games” menu–but if I click on the game icon nothing happens.
I love the idea of this game and hopefully I’ll manage to get it working on my system one way or another so I can actually experience it for myself…
I’m sorry you are having problems. Please let us discuss the issue at info@traumagame.com . We are going to figure this out.