When I wrote the Okami review a month ago, I actually imagined how Okami would work on Wii because gesture commands are almost a too obvious use for the Wiimote. With the rumored Wii version of Okami, I felt I might as well post up that control scheme of mine. Might be obvious, but what the heck…
- Nunchuk setup, stick for normal movement
- nunchuk shake for jump, replacing the X button
- wiimote wipe (“forward shake”) for dash and primary attack, replacing the square button
- wiimote pull (“backward shake”) for the evasive move in fights, originally on the R2-button
- B for dig, bite and secondary attack, replacing the triangle button
- A for talk, bark, investigate and its function in fights, replacing the circle button
- Z for the drawing quasi mode, where the wiimote becomes the brush, controlling both the position (pointer) and inking (distance to screen)
- while in the drawing quasi mode, the analog stick controls the camera, which was originally done with the right analog stick
- the d-pad could be used for quick item usage and weapon switching, as in Twilight Princess
- C for camera control and looking around, replace the L1 button
- (1) to display the map, replacing L2
- Minus for option menu, replacing select
- Plus for the fan menu, replacing the start button
hey, we have the (2) button left! Who says Wii needs more buttons to properly port traditional games?
I’ve added a diagram explaing your layout.
It is surprising to see how you end up with a free button. I have two remarks
It seems like in your layout the Celestial Brush Quasimode has two functions: you can use the Brush OR control the camra. Is that correct? Isn’t it a bit confusing to mix such completly different funtions into one?
The second thing is that I’m not quite sold on the “Shaking”. I suppose that when you find yourself in a situation where you need to attack and jump quite frequently, you might get tired quite soon.
1) No, the wiimote will do the painting in the quasimode, while the camera control is supposed to be on the Nunchuk’s a-stick.
2) Actually I’m now doubting about the shaking myself. Besides the tiring, which I agree with you, I suppose “forward” and “backward” shake are hard to separate.
1) But it says “while in the drawing quasi mode, the analog stick controls the camera”.. so you have to trigger the Celestial Brush to adjust the camera, right?
oh yeah I see… originally on PS2 you can adjust the camera both in the normal mode and in the drawing mode.
So with that scheme of mine you cannot control the camera in the normal mode. Bummer. Centering with C will have to do, as in Twilight Princess.
Or wait. Using the pointer in the normal mode for looking around might work. Man I want to test out this kind of thing.
Congratulations! Seems like your dreams became true after all. I wonder how the real scheme turned out. I haven’t played it on PS2 so I’m planning to get in for the Wii.