I almost forgot! Here is something I did recently. Together with @mczonk and @fabric_8, we started a co-op Let’s Play of Secret of Mana. I don’t think I posted about it yet, did I?
It’s German only. We decided to call this “Let’s Fail”. As you might guess, we aren’t taking this too seriously. We are playing in the original hardware for some extra nostalgia and street cred. Sadly, this lead to some technical issues. Using the PVR, the video sometimes skips leading to a de-synchronsation of the audio track. A very annoying problem that caused some serious delay in the editing of the second episode. We are recording a 3rd episode today and we will try something different this time. I will post the new setup if it works. Fingers crossed.
Are you guys playing in a cave? Batcave, perhaps!?
We cannot disclose our current location and whether it has anything to do or not to do with the individual officially know as “Batman”.