Yu-Chung Chen

Yu-Chung Chen is a designer working primarily on video games. He studied at Köln International School of Design and has contributed to a number of published games. Currently he works as a freelance UI designer at Keen Games.

Website: http://www.ycchen.de

Okami: Great Brushwork

Long time no post. This time I’d like to talk about the critically acclaimed action-adventure „Okami“ and what I like (and dislike) about some of its design aspects.

Prince of Persia 3: Short Rant

I recently played through this game and wasn’t quite happy about it. I liked the first in the series, Sands of Time, and was put off by the sequel, Warrior Within. Judging from the reaction by some of my fellows at the late NEON Studio and from the most reviews on the third part, Two [...]

Street Fighter 3: Parry Rocks

Do you know the „Daigo moment“? If you don’t, you should: Daigo moment on youtube.com

Daigo was the player using Ken. In a decisive match in the major tournament, where the average player is likely to perform worse than usual, Daigo managed to turn the table in a seemingly hopeless situation with the help of a [...]


Game Design Reviews is a Blog used by a group of game designers from Germany to publish and discuss their thoughts on various games. The blog consists entirely of reviews of games. Each review focuses on the important game design ideas and concepts of that particular game. We also run a second, more informal Blog called Game Design Scrapbook.


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