i’ve nearly finished my new game: monster guard.
it’s an online strategical game, some sort of tactical rpg … but without rpg depth and no tactics, either
i’m pretty tired right now and just want to give you the good news quickly.
you can read about the game, see (more) screenshots and view a qucik how-to-play video on its page:

This shows the battle screen. Detailed informations left, animated battle right.

Here you will spend most of the time polishing your unit placement.

This here, is to prove that not all my screens are totaly cluttered with details
Congrats man!
You say nearly: what’s missing? I’ll definitely check it out when it’s completely finished. Or let’s say “released”
oh, thats simple!
what is missing, is the final beta test with enough players to know that the match finding balancing is working for many players.
or in other words: what is missing is, having enough playtesters …
Awesome. The example-video really made me curious. I think I’ll sign up to have a play, but really do not know how much time I can spend on playing.
hopefully you will not be disappointed
basically there is one big difference with this game (in regards to other similiar games, which means you play them basically for a] having fun and b] highscore ranking): you have two ways to reach a good spot in the highscore.
and only the typicall one includes playing lot of time, the other one just requires to play long enough to understand the game quite good and then play especially carefull … which requires to create matches more often than join risky ones, which typically leaves player having to wait more – play less. and this is exactly the point: if you do have much spare time at hand, you can play more risky / agressive and thus speed up to the higher ranks which means you’re higher listed in the highscore. but with less time but still enough brains, you can also be listed high with good plays – independant of the count.
well – atleast basically, as you need aproximately 30 – 40 fights to get high enough, which means probably 2 weeks of 2 fights a day. (so aprox. 10 minutes of play a day). but nothing will happen if you take your time and use 8 weeks for those few fights.
and people with much more time, can play easily 10+ fights a day, and reach top highscore rankings with 150+ fights in 2 weeks… too.