Two exciting pieces of news. First I was invited to the excellent Kernel Panic to do an episode with them. It is a show on Apple and Apple related things and both hosts currently live in Japan. I spoke a bit about my experiences with Apple products. I also threw in some bits to the Apple vs. Adobe discussion.
I also revealed for the first time that I am indeed experimenting with ways to bring TRAUMA on the iPad.

This is not fake, I promise.
I have teamed up with an extremely talented iPhone / iPad developer form Cologne. He is currently working on a first prototype. We are making progress. There are some interface challenges because TRAUMA wasn’t developed with a touchscreen in mind. We discuss some of the problems in the Podcast.
I had a great time with the guys from Kernel Panic and I strongly recommend it to people, who use any sort of Apple products.
Thanks for the kind words! You were a great guest, and we really enjoyed having you on. I’m greatly looking forward to playing TRAUMA on my iPad too, and I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on developing it for both the iPad and traditional PC-based Flash at the same time. We’ll have to have you on again once it’s released