You may remember that GameBoy Refurbishing Project I was talking about some Months ago. I put 4 of the GameBoys up on eBay now!

The Fantastic Four! It almost works except none of the GameBoys stretches or clobbers.
The clear and the red one are practically mint. The clear one has a fresh scratch on the screen but that’s easily replaced. The white ones are perhaps not the cream of the crop but still way better than most GameBoys you will get on eBay. One of the white ones has a scratch on the screen as well but I will provide a replacement for that. I will ship the GameBoys worldwide and they are completely region-free.
you mixed up some words/describtions/colors in your text (i guess)
you are talking about the clear and the transparent … and later that the transparent ones (plural) have scratches, too.
so i guess you mean 1. clear=red, 2nd clears=classic ?
hey krystian,
im very happy about this post for a lot of reason, first i just read your old post about refurbishing and i thought “wow this guy is cool!” and then i was sad because i though i could never have one of the ones you gave away, and then not only i saw you were selling them on ebay but also you live in Koln and im studying in Dusseldorf at the kunstakademie! so i though, considering we live so close and i don’t have a ebay acount, maybe you ‘dlike to come have a beer here and i’ll buy it from you (or i could directly pay you in beers! haha) bis später!
Oh my. Missed the auction by how much? One month and the gorgeous red one went away for…wait…what? Just over 14 Euro. Well anyway very nice sit (is it stupid to write in english when we both speak German? No idea). Actually: I was on the lookout for information on how to renew the case of a nice red and pearl coloured “Famicon” GBA. Just a few minor scratches in the pearly colour and the usual wear and tear. Nothing spectacular but hey… we’re perfectionist maniacs, right?