So, yesterday I had a somewhat successful night photo session. I went to the hobo-shit-infested bridge again to get some descent coverage for Illucinated. I didn’t want to use the location at first but now time is running out. Besides, it IS a remarkable place and it fits well into the overall theme of the game so instead of searching for something better (which might never come) I’ve decided to use it anyway.
The photography was quite tedious. I had to make 30 seconds exposures to get enough light in and even then at some places I had to help out with a flashlight. If I got enough coverage, this might be my last excursion for Illucinated, which is good since I got a nasty cold on the weekend I’m currently recovering from.
But generally, my mood is pretty low as the game is nowhere as far as it should be for the upcoming IGF deadline. I’m considering dropping out. But then again, Braid and Aquaria weren’t quite finished either and still won. I guess this is the moment where I have to eat my words and risk shooting below my expectations. Getting anything done is ALWAYS better then giving up. I also consider going for the student competition instead of the main competition. There are no prizes but I believe the chance to get an award are better and there is no cost involved. What do you suggest?
want my advice? i heavily doubt it. but anyway: i would drop out, take my time to finish the game in whatever high quality standards i’m aiming for – and then create publicity by winning awards.
Yeah that’s what you would do. The problem is that what happens instead is that the game never gets done.
well, if you fear that – then simply cut down the work and release in time and budget.
i’ve done that / seen that being done more than often enough (as you probably know). way to often – and thus i’m interested in much more patience…
Jeez, thanks for the tip man, what would I have done without you.
Seriously, it is a different thing if we are talking about personal work.
Also, I’m not talking about releasing yet. Only submitting to IGF, but you’ve already mentioned a few times that you don’t value that event.
Hey man, I’m having too many open projects myself so I may not be the best one to ask opinion for… that’s also why I didn’t say much in person yesterday.
As you say, finishing stuff is worth a lot and I’d want that for my stuff as well. On the other hand, Illucinated is far from being a fingerübung-project, and the duration hasn’t been “too” long so far.
I guess what I’m saying is that you’d find justifications either way, so going with your gut feeling might be just the right decision.
Coincidentally, last weekend I talked to a friend of Fabricio’s, a student of game theory. He mentioned that all the formulae they use to calculate reasonable decision do tend to produce results which conform with the intuition (otherwise the theory wouldn’t be much worth, would it?).
Or, as my father likes to say: any circumstance is the best.
Yeah I know, I like his advices, too.