From me to you with love: the DOS System Font
A faithful recreation of the DOS / IBM PC System Font. Monospaced with very short descenders and thick font weight for better readability on low fidelity CRT displays. Makes me want to optimize AUTOEXEC.BATs all over again.
Including original “More Latin” characters and custom made “Extended Latin A” characters for good international compatibility.
I refuse to Twitter, so I can’t respond to your Tweets
Anyhow, don’t sweat the home AV shopping decision… buying off the Internet is always better than buying retail (unless you know a guy who will haggle with you and match Internet rates).
Also, unless you have $3000 (what is that, like, 2000 Euro?) to spend on a single component, you’re never going to get something absolutely perfect. So there’s no use worrying anyhow.
I was poised to drop $700 on a receiver a few months ago, because I wanted one that would upconvert my Wii and regular DVDs to 1080p. Then I found out that tons of people had complained about the upconversion, and now I’m stuck with my crappy old equipment. Once you look into that shit too much, you’re gonna end up saving up all your money to attain something that’s going to be old in a year anyway.
Well, the reason why I felt guilty is because I went to a small specialist shop for consultation but then I bought it online because it was cheaper. The reason the small shops are more expensive is often because they employ trained staff for consultation. If you use the consultation but buy somewhere else, you are sorta using them and driving them out of business. I was working for a toy story who complained about a similar problem.
On the other hand, the service I received was not convincing enough to pay the extra cash. The guy was a bit rude, he didn’t offer a demonstration, didn’t offer any alternatives. And I ended up buying a different system, which they didn’t even have.
And yes, its is a cheap system compared to what you can spend. But it is quite expensive if you compare it to other kinds of things. For the same money, I could get a PS3. Now for a PS3, I get TONS of commercials, information material, etc. In the case of cinema systems, I had to actually download the manual on the website to find a list of the connections on the back. And it’s the same company – SONY. I don’t even know exactly how the thing looks like because I could only find 320pixel thumbnails. Strange world.
And Twitter is goooood…
Oh yeah forgot to send you an XBL message while I was working on my Fable paper:
One of my assignment due dates got extended til tomorrow, so I’m going to be spending the whole night hard-coding an achievement database (I’m not enough of a 1337 haxxor to set up a dummy MSoft Live account and bounce requests off their servers… plus I’m learning javascript as I go and haven’t got the knack of xml parsing down yet.
Anyhow, this means I can’t start playing GoW on Insane with you tonight. Maybe tomorrow, though? Oh, and I guess we’ll need to sync watches so I don’t keep you up until like four in the morning. I’m GMT -4, I believe.